Delivery Information
Delivery time is expressed in working days (5 days / week). The delivery period starts from the date of receipt of the payment in the account. At the end of the order, the customer can opt for the following transport methods: pick-up from TMEC Home & Office Solutions warehouse, delivery of products through specialized courier companies, delivery to the buyer with TMEC Home & Office Solutions SRL's own means of transport - within the area of delivery.
The ordered products are delivered on the Romanian territory, the delivery term indicated at the time of placing the order. Delivery by courier is made to the nearest location where the courier has a working point related to the location specified in the customer's delivery address. The list of the courier's working points can be consulted on its website. The buyer has the obligation to take over and transport the ordered products with his own means of transport, at his own expense, from the courier's office to his own location.
Except in situations where the seller and the buyer agree otherwise, the equipment is delivered on the ground floor / entrance to the building. It is the buyer's responsibility to handle the products on the stairs or by lift (to the upper floors). The seller cannot be held liable for damage to the products during transport or handling of the product to the location of the buyer, unless the product is delivered by the seller's employees.